
How to make Safari 4 Unified Appearance…

In last update, Apple introduced new specification of tabs to Safari 4.
Though I wanted to modify it, Xcode 2.5 in Mac OS X 10.4 (aka Tiger) could not open Browser.nib.
A brief struggle told me a good solution that I will tell you here.

  1) First, download Pierre Chatel's Unifier to remove metal appearance.
  2) Second, change files in / as below.

Then you can enjoy the favorite appearance in brandnew Safari 4.

List of files to be modified in / :
  1. Face of active windows
  2. AW ActiveTabFill.png, AW ActiveTabLeftCap.png, AW ActiveTabRightCap.png,
    AW InactiveTabBG.png, AW InactiveTabLeftCap.png, AW InactiveTabRightCap.png
    AW ActiveTabClose.png, AW ActiveTabClosePressed.png, AW ActiveTabCloseRollover.png
    AW InactiveTabClose.png, AW InactiveTabClosePressed.png, AW InactiveTabCloseRollover.png
    AW AddTabButtonRollover Pressed.png, AW AddTabButtonRollover.png,
    AW AddTabButtonRolloverBG Pressed.png, AW AddTabButtonRolloverBG.png
  3. Face of inactive windows
  4. IW ActiveTabFill.png, IW ActiveTabLeftCap.png, IW ActiveTabRightCap.png,
    IW InactiveTabBG.png, IW InactiveTabLeftCap.png, IW InactiveTabRightCap.png
    IW ActiveTabClose.png, IW ActiveTabClosePressed.png, IW ActiveTabCloseRollover.png
    IW InactiveTabClose.png, IW InactiveTabClosePressed.png, IW InactiveTabCloseRollover.png
  5. Face of loading indicator
  6. LoadingCornerFill.png, LoadingCornerFillPush.png, LoadingCornerLeftCap.png,
    LoadingCornerLeftCapPush.png, LoadingCornerRightCap.png, LoadingCornerRightCapPush.png,
    LoadingCornerWhiteFill.png, LoadingCornerWhiteFillPush.png, LoadingCornerWhiteLeftCap.png,
    LoadingCornerWhiteLeftCapPush.png, LoadingCornerWhiteRightCap.png,
    LoadingCornerWhiteRightCapPush.png, URLBarStopButtonWhite.png
    InactiveLoadingCornerFill.png, InactiveLoadingCornerLeftCap.png, InactiveLoadingCornerRightCap.png,
    InactiveLoadingCornerWhiteFill.png, InactiveLoadingCornerWhiteLeftCap.png, InactiveLoadingCornerWhiteRightCap.png
  7. Face of bookmarks bar
  8. Tiger AW ToolbarGradient.png, Tiger IW ToolbarGradient.png
  9. Face of loading indicator of Safari 4.1.x
  10. Instead of LoadingCornerxxx.png or InactiveLoadingCornerxxx.png…
    URLFieldCapLeft.png, URLFieldCapLeftInactive.png, URLFieldCapLeftInactiveProgress.png,
    URLFieldCapLeftProgress.png, URLFieldCapLeftRoundedInactiveProgress.png, URLFieldCapLeftRoundedProgress.png,
    URLFieldCapRightInactiveProgress.png, URLFieldCapRightProgress.png, URLFieldMiddleInactiveProgress.png,

Safari 4 Unified Appearance : Type 1

Active Window


Inactive Window


Safari 4 Unified Appearance : Type 2

Active Window


Inactive Window



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